Scalp Micropigmentation FAQ

How long is the procedure?

Since the treatment is customizable to you, the time varies depending on your goals. On average, patients receive two to three sessions with the first being the longest

What is the cost of the procedure?

Since the treatment is customizable to you, the pricing varies depending on your goals. Typically the price ranges between $1000 and $3000.

Are there any side-effects?

No. On the first day, clients can expect redness like a mild sunburn, which is just from handling their scalp for hours. This will go away soon, no later than next day. You will receive aftercare instructions from your practitioner.

How many SMP treatments do I need?

SMP is accomplished in 2-3 sessions with a 3rd session only used as needed. Treatments are 7-10 days apart to ensure proper healing.

Does the S&P procedure hurt?

The pain level truly depends on the individual however micropigmentation uses a single tiny needle that is much smaller than conventional tattoos using multiple and larger needles. Smp is much less irritation and pain than a traditional tattoo.

Will the ink turn blue or green as time goes on?

No. Our ink is all natural with no chemicals unlike other tattoo inks that contain dye. You never have to worry about your scalp turning any other color.

How long does the SMP procedure last?

The procedure is permanent. We suggest you get a touch after about 4 years. Keeping your scalp moisturized, groomed and limiting direct exposure to the sun for long periods of time will protect your investment before needing a touchup.

Microblading FAQ

How long is the procedure?

Cosmetic tattoo treatments are considered permanent and will not wash off-however, they will fade over time and may need to be refreshed over 12 to 18 months. Microblading eyebrows typically last 1 to 2 years for most people before they need a touchup.

How long does it take to heal?

Approximately 14 days to heal. During that week we encourage you to let it naturally exfoliate. This means keeping water, sweat and steam away from the brows. Once the flaking is complete the result will appear lighter and the true color will come out after about four weeks. Please follow aftercare instructions for best results.

Does it hurt?

Most people do experience a bit of pain or discomfort. After the first pass your practitioner will add numbing cream so any pain is much less, The beginning portion is more painful however that doesn’t last that long.

How long does it last?

Microblading typically last 1 to 2 years before needing a touchup. Although considered permanent, they will fade over time and need to be refreshed every 12-18 months. It is important to follow aftercare instructions properly or you may require more frequent touchups.

How long does it take for to heal?

Microblading takes approximately 14 days to heal. It is important you let it naturally exfoliate. Please keep your brows out of water, sweat, steam, etc. Your brows will go through a flaking, once the flaking is complete their result will appear lighter. The true color will come out after about 4 weeks.

Can I wear makeup after microblading?

Wearing make up can irritate and slow down the healing process. Avoid wearing make up on the brows for at least two weeks after your procedure.

What if I had my brows previously microbladed?

If you’ve had your eyebrows microbladed before simply contact us to set up a consultation. Its  imperative that we see your brow condition to see if we can work over the prior procedure. Booking an appointment without receiving consultation first could forfeit your deposit.



Payment is due in full at the time of your appointment prior to receiving your procedure. All services are non refundable.


When booking your appointment, you will be asked to place a deposit for your service. This deposit will be applied to your total fee that is due the at the time of your appointment prior to the procedure. Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE.


Please do not bring any children, animals or guests to your appointment they will not be allowed in the procedure room. You may lose your deposit and/orI could be charged the full amount of the service if we cannot do your procedure due to you bringing a guest.


No calls no shows will be charged the Full amount due at your appointment and unfortunately you will no longer be able to book with Mona Li Beauty.


if you arrive up to 15 minutes after your appointment time you will lose your deposit towards your service. Appointments will be CANCELLED and no refunds will be given if the client is more than 15 minutes late to their appointment. Artist take multiple clients a day and need the full amount of time for each appointment. You may schedule a new appointment, but will need to place another deposit.


2 days before:

Don’t consume alcohol at least 48 hours before the procedure. Alcohol is a blood thinner, making you bleed more. Avoid medication, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as well. These also increase the risk of bleeding because they prevent the blood from clotting. Tea, coffee, and energy drinks are also blood thinners.

The night before:

Make sure you’re properly hydrated at least a day prior to allow your skin to accept the ink better. Exfoliate your scalp to remove any dead skin cells.

The day of:

Wash your head also since it’ll be a while before you can take a shower after getting the procedure. Don’t exercise or use any oily, waxy products on your head. The excess oil can prevent the pigment from retaining. Eat prior to your procedure


  • No Botox treatments should be done 3 weeks prior or 4 weeks after procedure
  • No chemical peels 60 days before or after procedure (brows will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling under the skin)
  • No Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne creams, or serums containing acids as these will fade brows prematurely
  • Do not work out or sweat heavily the day of the procedure (Or 2 weeks after)
  • Do not tan or have a sunburned face the day of the procedure
  • No waxing or tinting 3 days before procedure
  • Stop taking aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, fish oil, CoQ10 and ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure
  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hrs before procedure


  • Sick with cold, flu, or sinus/respiratory infection (please reschedule your appointment and stay home to recover)
  • Skin irritations including: sunburn, rash, eczema, shingles, acne, or psoriasis near the treated area
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Under age 18
  • Had Botox within 3 weeks from scheduled appointment
  • Used Accutane in the past year
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Undergoing chemo
  • Prone to keloid scarring
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Had an organ transplant
  • Viral infections and or diseases
  • Transmittable blood disease, HIV or Hepatitis